Status: Still smoking, albeit reduced
Reason: Am pathetic, in manner of piking piker, with a myriad of excuses, none of which I'll insult you with - god knows you're all rational, intelligent people.
Expected Date to Return to Righteous Non-Smoker: April 19 (my birthday, coincidentally), when we return from Milan, I'll restart the entire Champix course. *heavy sigh*... Thought about starting earlier, but (fark, sorry, EXCUSE FORTHCOMING, but it was too tricky and burdensome to try and sort when was morning and when was evening, what with time zones in Dubai/Bangkok/Milan etc. So. That's when. Will not be blogging religiously. Pressure may make me implode (which might shake some of the extra blubber I accumulated from 8 weeks NOT smoking, but all in all, would be bad look), so have decided to make brief, concise blogs, likely a week apart.
That's all.
We leave on Friday. Am excited. Even excited about perusing lovely new trending furniture stuff at the Milan Furniture Fair, SUPER excited about seeing Dubai with my dear friend Kaalene (we met at hostel, first year university), ANNNNNNND even stopping over in Bangkok. Oriental City.