Friday, June 3, 2011

Another briefish update

Oh the NOSTALGIA of it all... Just read last entry, where an optimistic current smoker said they'd be resuming with the quitting on April 19.   Which should make me about 6 weeks smokefree?  And "HOW'S that going", I hear you ask...

Well, funny you should say that. 

It's not going well at ALL.

I'm not posting this in a Smug Unaccountable manner, to all those that supported me so wholeheartedly - that filled me with warm encouraging remarks, that I ate with the relish that I would if it was Whittakers Dark Caramel chocolate - I'm saying this from the point of the Undefendable Blowhard.  I'm smoking still.  In FACT, I can't even fathom when I'm going to STOP smoking again - suffice to say, when I do, I won't BLOG about it, in confident manner of WhipperSnappingNonSmoker like last time.  Still scraping that egg of my face, and wearing a bit of blotted yolk.

Was at family function in weekend.  Had cousins in attendance that have READ blog and who gasped in horrified "JAYSUS CHRIST" manner, when I blurted that I was ducking out to the STREET to have a smoke (there were kids there, so fair play, like any heroin-adled type would) ... But luckily, had sister and her husband there, who said, with contented smug faces "Ohhhh, have you BLOGGED that yet?  OR pretending still you're NOT smoking".  I replied, with haughty yet slightly snarly face "Yes, blog has been VERY updated, no one thinks I'm still not smoking", but then thought "Hmmmm, maybe I SHOULD confess"... So here we go....

AM SMOKING.   AM FILTHY SMOKING FOOL.  REALISE IT'S NOT COOL IN MANNER OF TEENAGER, DEFYING SOCIETY - AM SHAMED.  Buuuuuttt, and yes there has to be a BUT.. Andy's away lots at the moment, like a third to a half of a week.  He's joyfully and rubbingly-in-the-face smokefree (how I RUE mocking him when he had his one lapse)... and that made me break too - you know, those of you that are married - "HE'S not the boss of me" etc etc....

So.  This blog.  I'm thinking I'll continue blogging (the statistics are truly lovely, it's been viewed a LOT even when I haven't POSTED!), but more in a manner of haphazard everyday life... And when I quit, and am confident I HAVE quit, I'll slip that in to a post.  Otherwise, yeah... I'll rename it... hehe...


  1. Good on yoou for the confession.Blame none and one day I know you will succeed

  2. Stop blamin your husband he aint handing you them!!!

  3. Am/was similar die hard. Wondered if you have tried the gum. I never even considered it but it has worked for me. When smoking urge strikes I chew furiously. You will get there when the time is right! Know that feeling of frustration tho, have given up many times before.
