But not in scary Freddy Krueger manner - actually really cool, vivid dreams, that I can recount (but won't, because let's face it, hearing other people's dreams is right up there with Chinese Water torture), but that ALSO have The Rage in them - so CHECK to two more side effects on the list!
Without getting into the dream too much, at one point (see, how annoying AM I? I'm now telling you about my dream, when I said I wouldn't?), Andy and I had our friends Troy and Amanda here for Christmas lunch, and Andy spilled ALL my food on the floor, and I had no lunch. Not ONE of those three shared their turkey or new potatoes with me, and I was first sad, then FURIOUS. Still a little pissy about it this morning to be honest. (Amanda, if you're reading this, best leave off phoning me today, because I had great faith in my dream you WOULD share, but ohhhhh nooo, you shovelled your turkey in, while I cleared up in the kitchen - which was actually my kitchen from my flat at university).... Anyway, yeah.. Vivid dreams AND The Rage. In one night! Am clearly gifted at Champix side effects.
So it's the last day on the white pills, tomorrow we are BLUE. So yadda yadda - not much changed in smoking front from yesterday or day before etc, but tomorrow the dose is strengthened. Maybe that's when my posting starts reflecting The Rage during waking hours?
And with that, here's Gross Smoking Confession Number 3....
The Influence on One's Offspring:
One day (and I'm almost blushing typing this, it's NOT funny, it's disgraceful on my behalf)... We were driving to kindy, and drove past a man out jogging. Now, exercise isn't a foreign notion to my children - their father runs most nights, and I do exercise at home, so I was surprised to hear a little voice from Holly (then aged 3) pipe up:
"Look at THAT man Mummy! He must REALLY need smokes - he's RUNNING to the shop!"
I coughed and spluttered (no, really, it's the tar in the lungs), and explained that not everyone smokes, and he was in fact being HEALTHY. She pondered that for a bit, then said "But you're healthy and you smoke, so smoking must be good for you".... *le sigh*.. So I had to explain to my darling three year old that smoking was really bad for you, and her father and I shouldn't be doing it, but luckily she saw a woman walking two dogs, and roared "LOOK at those LOVELY dogs!", and saved me from dying a little more inside at the perceptions I'd been giving her.
Pretty bad I know.
*hangs head*
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