5pm. Have been up 10 hours. Normal smokes had - approx 15. Smokes had today - ZERO...
*does dance of victory*
Weirdest thing. Have attempted to give up several times - patches, cold turkey, gum, Nicobrevin - each time, I've OBSESSED over smoking all day. 90% of attempts, I've given in in less than 5 hours. (Pathetic, huh?)... Anyway, this time, while I've thought about smoking a few times, each time I've thought "Christ, I'd love a smoke", I then think "No I don't, I don't smoke anymore", and the thought goes. I'm EVEN having a BEER - and all previous attempts have involved abstaining completely from alcohol.
The one thing I DO miss is the 5 minute window of peace from my children. Does that sound bad? haha... So today, at one stage, I went and sat outside and read a magazine and had a coffee. The only thing missing was a smoke, and then, after 5 minutes, I went back in. And felt "renewed".
And another thing - when Andy's not travelling, he always comes home for lunch (the benefit of living in a small town). I'd always thought because he TRULYMADLYDEEPLY loved me, and yearned for my company. And the kids I guess. Anyway, today, 12.15pm NO ANDY. 12.45pm NO ANDY. 1.40pm "RING RING, RING RING - Yeah Andy, it's Jo, are you planning on coming home today or what?"... "Umm, I think I'll just grab something from the dairy". It transpires there was no love for me. He just needed to come home to SMOKE (his work is STRICTLY STRICTLY no smoking, and even smoking out on the street would result in him getting his arse kicked, so he has to come home to indulge)...
So... The first day as a non-smoker is pretty much done and dusted. Champix, I have to say, ROCKS....
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