Monday, February 7, 2011

Two Weeks Smokefree!

For ME at least.  Andy "Cheating Bastard" husband is now on his SECOND smokefree day, and has ditched the champix, and just going cold turkey.  Why?  I have no idea.  I think he's decided it was the Champix who failed, not him, so he's trying something different.

Last night while I "calmly" told him how I was feeling (LOL), I also mentioned his parents were disappointed in him.  "WHHHHHAAATTT??" he roared, "You even told my PARENTS??", and I proudly nodded, and told him next time his boss phones, I'll be telling him too.  That I'd blogged about it, Facebooked, Tweeted and told strangers at the supermarket.   I can't have him walking round all Peacock Puffed Out Chest in nature, "oh, look at ME, I don't SMOKE", when in reality, he's a DIRTY SMOKING CHEATER.    So yes.  I think he's aware of how I feel about it, and he's learned his lesson ;-)

But TWO WEEKS!  $236 (for me only, not calculating HIS anymore) saved!  Can TASTE!  No morning cough! 

Now if only my teeth were getting whiter and my wrinkles disappearing - life would be near perfect!


  1. PMSL I love you Jo. Hope you get to spend the $236 you have saved so far... hopefully on a plane ticket....

  2. Aww well done on 2 weeks :-D $236! Good shit!
